I cannot recall ever witnessing death first hand. The other day, I did. Scoots and I were eating fish n chips like good aussie cobbers, as usual the seagulls started to flock. We were full and started throwing a few random chips about. As we were standing quite close to the road the birds were tempting fate trying to fight each other for that succulent golden chip to call their own. Just as we noticed this Scoots says " Hey Natedog, watch this!!" But only to realize that the previous chip that had been discarded was already luring a flock of gulls to the tarmac. The chip lands, the gulls dive and a car comes flying through at 60 kph. THUD!! Several get a hit and a fright, one unlucky one gets the short straw. It was quite heavy watching that guy lose his life of scavenger freedom right in front of our eyes, yet somehow perversely entertaining at the same time. Below is his Hokkein noodle style intestines splayed out from the impact. Above is he as he was before the incident. Hmmmm.
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