Cam got married to Jules the other weekend. We helped celebrate by drinking the beer they provided. Well done on both subjects!! I also held on to $50 from The Box. They say a fool and his money are soon parted, no?

This is Boxy warming on a little Mornington glamour!

I think she even surprised The Box with what came outta her mouth!!

Scoots got the "The Col Cut" to emulate the hair style of his father, Colin. I would definitely call it a success! They looked like bloody brothers!

Skinner took the chance to air out his Grampa's old threads and gave them a spin around the party a few times. The clothes come complete with a Hair Side Parting Kit!

Troy the Sasquach has an unbeatable taste when it comes to fashion... just check this little striped tie - checked shirt combo he whipped up just minutes before the gig. Priceless!

Scoots out on the Mornington track.

Best on Ground once again is being given to The Boxpacker. Just have a look at these 2 little numbers he attracted out on the deck of The Cruze Club. Smoking cigarettes really does get you into the upper echelons of the society on a saturday night. B.O.G. Boxy.
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